Emergencies seldom give warning before they strike. Thus, it is essential
that fire protection equipment be inspected, tested, and maintained to be
certain it is operable at all times. To accomplish this, management must
establish an effective fire protection equipment inspection program that
meets the minimum requirements of the guidelines set forth in NFPA 25.
Wet fire sprinkler systems deteriorates with time.
They are also vulnerable to external
influences such as corrosive environments, tampering, and accidental damages. Further, since
wet fire protection devices are used infrequently,
they must be inspected and tested regularly to determine their condition,
operability, and need for routine maintenance. Detecting an
unsatisfactory condition prior to an emergency is far better than
discovering it during the emergency.
To this end, Falcon Fire Sprinkler, L.L.C. will
arrange a qualified technician to conduct an on-site
training seminar concerning your wet fire sprinkler system.
To request a NFPA 25 Weekly Inspection
training session, call (816) 734-0018.
• Insured • Professional